Well, this whole post started because of Paulo!!.
Ah i was listening to a singer called Paulo Nutini. Perhaps none of my friends heard of him.
A young singer but with a 50 year old voice!! Even more when he sings country music, his voice would sound like a yorkshire!
But i was surprised while i was reading his biblioraphy that most of his songs were featured in the most watched series : Last Request (Scrubs & One Tree Hill ), Million Faces ( Grey's Anatomy )...etc
Check his other songs as well . They are awesome. Gotta love his voice ;)
" Tallllll--INT"
Talent. Talent. Talent.
Yes, everyone got a talent, an allure that makes him/her different from others.
Maybe am not in a position to judge who is talented and who is not . But i know for sure that talent is everywhere around us . An average eye ignores a talent.So, we just have to search, look and enjoy it . It is a bless to have it and even more to enjoy people having it.
Perhaps, we dont know what is our true talent, this one special gift makes us unique. One talent , two or even more are just waiting for you to be discovered.
You might be a drawer, a musician, a singer, a swimmer, a businessman , a dancer.....you might be a comedian, an event organizer, a politician, an adrenalin addict, a computer geek,or a fanatic soccer fan, a community volunteer, a story teller, a workaholic, a music collector, a crazy driver,
A marathon Cheerer ,traveling across countries
A Wanna be clown!!
Crazy Scientist!! |
A Cool Farmer
a cameraless photographer , a creative blogger, even a "post- it note " maniac, ..oh and i almost forgot a
magical cook! ;)
So like What Paulo said :Try " New Shoes" every day,
Try them all .....And whatever you find is " your special" thing, enjoy it , and spread it around you.Show your apptitude .
Inspire others because talent is contagious ! :)